The Spire of Dublin

The Spire, Dublin

It's true, if you cross O'Connell Street to do a bit of shopping you have to step over piles of bruised and broken Spanish kids lying scattered indiscriminately about.


Anonymous said...

I think we should stick a massive skull & crossbones flag on the spire, how cool would that look? People would think O'Connell st. has been invaded by giant pirates who like to shop at pennies.

Anonymous said...

In order to promote football hooliganism?!

oh and thanks, now I can't stop looking at the fact that I spelled "pennys" wrong... grrr

thed4handbook said...

the comic looks funny...but the last frames cut off...

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Southside, your screen resolution is probably too low, you need to set your resolution to 1024 x 768 or higher to view the site.
Thanks for dropping by :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for honestly relating your experiences and opinions and good luck to you.
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